Tuesday, January 13, 2009

So much to do

WE don't have long left before he goes, and still there is so much to do.

Last night, I was up very late working on invitations for a baby shower, and my husband ask me to make him a stencil for all of his belongings. I was up very late. It took ad few tries, and still it wasn't perfect, but I managed to make a couple of stencils with his name, rank, rate, and such for all of his belongings. We have the paint. Now, like for little kids, we have to go though and put his name on every thing, even his underwear. = )

WE still have a big list of things that also need to be done. Many more things that need to be bought.
Deployments are a huge burden in so many ways. I swear it is going to cost us a fortune to send him off. I know that part of our great cost lies in the fact that he hasn't deployed in a long time, and there fore hasn't kept a supply of all things needed. Still, though, it sucks to be spending so much right now.

As soon as I post this, I have to get back to the grind. In between washing clothes, and my normal house cleaning, I have to go though his wardrobe and find everything that fits into the kind of clothes (shirt with collars, slacks but not jeans, etc) he is allowed to take, and set them aside for him.

Phone calls to make, and even more after that.

So much to do, all to have the man I love walk out the door, against my wishes, for such a long time.

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