Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ready for a Reunion

We are getting really close to a reunion now. I have to say that outside of the few times I have blogged, I haven't had to cry much. That just isn't me.
However, I am ready to cry at the drop of a hat right now. I know we are nearly done, at least for now, and I am ready for this to be over. This is the first leg of a long trip to come with this squadron, and I need to get at least this part over, to be able to feel like we can do this. I know my husband will be deployed a lot over the next few years, leading right up to his retirement. So, being able to do this, now, at this stage of our lives, is a huge deal.
I am ready to be reunited, even with the stresses that presents itself. I am ready to have him be a part of the day to day again, even if he will be gone from us far too soon. I want my husband back. I need him to be here for us, for me. I am ready.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Like a Bad Dance

Getting ready for homecoming feels like a bad dance. You know, once of those dances that has its own special song, all about the dance, that even tells you what steps to take.
One step forward. Two Steps back. Now everybody Hop!

That kind of thing.

Except ours goes:
Everybody slide your plans one day to the right. Now back Two days to the left. Jump forward three hours. Now every body scream!

Yeah. This is a pain. An ill choreographed pain.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

So much closer

We are getting so much closer to the end. I am nearly into counting days instead of weeks, and I can't wait for that! Right now, the girls and I mark off one week at a time on the calendar, but, I think after this weekend, I am going to move that down to marking off every two days. We are still a little far out for a daily count down, but this would be a nice bump for us!

I am so ready for my husband to come home, it is ridiculous. I'm ready to hand back over control of so many little things, let alone having someone to help with the kids. I want to quit taking out the trash. That would be great. More than anything, though, I hate car stuff, and I can't wait to have him home to take care of it. In fact, I really need my oil changed, and yes I am well aware of the fact that I can take it to Wal-Mart and have them change it while I shop, but that isn't the point. I want him to get back and take care of it for me.

Ahhh..never take your spouse and all the little things for granted.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Change in Title

I have come to the realization that I am very ready to start a new chapter in my life. I want to be a retiree's wife. I know I still have another 3 years, but man do I have short timer's attitude. I'm not if I can maintain for the next 3 years!

Monday, May 11, 2009

A Date!

We have a date!

We were finally given a homecoming date! This has been a ridiculous ride as far as finding out when our loved ones will be home. We were going on a 4 month window for homecoming. Yes! It was actually going to be anywhere from June to September, but thankfully, we got it narrowed down.

Now, this date isn't st in stone, but it is as concrete as anything within the military can be. I fully expect it to slide a day or two as they progress a little more or a little less, but still, it give us something to finally count down to!

And, it feels like a weight has been lifted.

I am beyond excited.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Now is not the time

When you have been deployed for 3.5 months,
When your wife has been at home alone with 2 children, ages 5 and 2,
When she has only hired a baby sitter two times in those 3.5 months,
And has been without a break for over 2 months,

When she is at her wits end and ready to snap,

That is not the time to tell her that you want to re-enlist and stay in the military for another 3 years.

Not the time.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just a note

I want to make sure everyone who reads this knows not to take me too seriously about a lot of things. I kid. I tease. I like to have fun. I like to write bad poetry to make fun of stupid things and have a laugh. I hope you do too.