Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just a note

I want to make sure everyone who reads this knows not to take me too seriously about a lot of things. I kid. I tease. I like to have fun. I like to write bad poetry to make fun of stupid things and have a laugh. I hope you do too.

Ode to the Rumor Mill

Blasted Rumor Mill why do you churn?
Though dark of night,
And wind too fierce,
Never you stop moving,
Never you stop producing.

In times of fair sun,
And mornings bright,
Your blasted churning seems to break the light.
You produce too much.
You work too hard.
For your successes are our falters.
Your work is our transgression,
And it never seems to be done.

Oh, dreaded Rumor Mill,
We besiege you now to stop.
Give us but a moment of silence,
A bit of peace to rest our ears,
So that at last we can hear the truth.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Too Many Thoughts

Can't sleep and can't lay still.
Too much to think about, and nothing to do about it.
I think about the little ones and how I am raising them alone.
At least for now, though he is with me in spirit.
Every day they get bigger, in mind and body.
Every day they change, by word and deed.
She doesn't need her paci any more.
Soon there will be no diapers.
She can read on her own now.
She doesn't even ask for a bedtime story, but just a book to read.
How much more will he miss, in order to achieve his goals?
How much more will I sit and think, without being able to lay still?

Communication Woes

Days without communication suck.

Days with communication suck a little less.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

New trend in posts.

I feel like I want to do things a little differently here. I tend to write long blog posts on my main blog. Here, I think I just want to share, vent, etc. I think my posting style will change, be a little shorter, and more pointed. Maybe this way I can post more here with out feeling like I really need to write a lot. I could use a good place to vent.