Friday, January 9, 2009

No more paperwork

Ahh...The time has come far, far too soon. My husband hasn't deployed in years, having been on shore duty. It is about to happen, though.

I was in the kitchen, filling out paper work, and I had to stop. I just couldn't look at the line about not to be opened except for an emergency any more. I know what emergencies they are referring to, and I don't want to prepare for them. I don't want to think about them. I don't want to call a friend in the morning, and ask her if I can put her name down, just in case. I know I have to, though.

It is all about going through the motions right now. The idea is to just answer the questions, without thinking about why they ask them. If you can do it, you can fill out the paper work. If not, you fill it out anyway, later on, and just let the tears stain the page. Either way, it has to be done.

I know it is really just a tiny, itty bitty thing to do, in the grand scheme of the deployment, but it is also the first tangible proof I have he is about to leave. That makes me sad. Sadder, really.

Arg. ok. Quit whining. It is just a piece of paper. Now, go on about your day (night).

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